
When Vaadin serialises to the session, it serialises the entire UI. This means anything contained within the UI is also serialized. If you follow the Krail approach of constructor injection for Views and UIs, it will mean that those dependencies will also be serialized, unless, of course, they are marked as transient.

This clearly could affect the amount that needs to be serialized/deserialized - you may want to reduce that by making dependencies transient (or you may just have dependencies which cannot be serialized), but that in turn means you need a way to reconstruct the transient fields.

Serialization and Shiro / JPA

Anything which uses Guice AOP generates a byte enhanced class produced by cglib. This causes serialization problems, and is a feature of anything which uses cglib. At the moment the only way round this is to use manual coding instead of AOP supported annotations. For example, instead of using:

public void doSomething(){



if (subjectProvider.get().isPermitted("page:view:private")) {

There is an open issue to provide more support.

Guice Deserialization for View and UI instances

ViewBase and ScopedUI use SerializationSupport to make the management of this situation simpler, designed in a way for sub-classes to make use of this facility.

When instances or sub-classes of ViewBase and ScopedUI are deserialized, a standard Java readObject() is invoked method, and SerializationSupport used to re-inject transient fields using the Guice Injector. Hooks are also provided to allow you to intervene with your own logic at various points.


To enable this to work, certain conditions apply. Sub-classes of ViewBase and ScopedUI :

  • must have non-Serializable fields must be marked transient, as normal
  • will only attempt to re-inject transient fields which have a null value at the time it invokes SerializationSupport.injectTransientFields() - see the call sequence below
  • must have an exact match between the type of the constructor parameter and the type of the field that it is associated with
  • will raise an exception if, after completing the sequence of calls below, there are still null transient fields

Call Sequence

This is the sequence of calls made during deserialization. Note that injection by SerializationSupport will only inject into null transient fields

  • beforeDeserialization()
  • default deserialization
  • beforeTransientInjection()
  • SerializationSupport injects transients
  • afterTransientInjection()
  • SerializationSupport checks for null transients, and raises exception if any found (unless excluded)

Matching constructor parameters with fields

In order to match a constructor parameter with its field for automatic re-injection, they must both be of exactly the same type (and not just assignable). In the case of Guice, the type includes the use of binding annotations.

This means that where a binding annotation is used on a constructor parameter, its associated field must also have the same binding annotation.

Java example

In Java, we must annotate the field to match a constructor parameter that uses a binding annotation. Your IDE may flag a warning that you have a binding annotation without @Inject - this can be ignored / suppressed. If you do annotate the field with @Inject, then outside of deserialization, Guice will inject the field twice, once via the constructor, and once directly to the field.

public class MyView extends ViewBase {

   @Named("1)  // to match its constructor parameter
   private transient Widget widget1;

   protected MyView(Translate translate, SerializationSupport serializationSupport, @Named("1") Widget widget1){
      super(translate, serializationSupport)


Kotlin example

Because Kotlin declares a property rather than a separate constructor parameter and field, the property needs to be annotated in a way that causes Kotlin’s code generator to correctly annotate its Java output:

class MyView @Inject constructor(translate:Translate, serializationSupport:SerializationSupport, @field:Named("1") @param:Named("1") @Transient val widget1:Widget) : ViewBase(translate,serializationSupport)

Excluding fields

If for some reason you want a transient field to be null at the end of the deserialization process, fields can be excluded from injection and the final check, by overriding the ViewBase or ScopedUI method beforeDeserialization() or beforeTransientInjection() to set the exclusions

protected void beforeTransientInjection(){


Guice, Binding Annotations and Inheritance. There is an “interesting” side effect from using Guice binding annotations. It is very easy to provide the binding on a superclass constructor parameter, and then forget to put it on the equivalent sub-class constructor parameter - meaning you have injected something different via the sub-class. Your IDE and compiler will not tell you. This Serialization routine will tell you if you do so. This was not really a design choice, just a bit of luck!

Non-Serializable classes

This list is not exhaustive, but identifies some of the commonly used Krail classes which cannot be made Serializable. For these, use the method described above to re-inject them.

  • BusProvider implementations which use MBassador. This currently applies to all BusProvider implementations.
  • PubSubSupport from MBassador

Making your classes ‘Guice Serializable’

Where you need to deserialize your own classes that are constrcuted by Guice, but has non-Serializable dependencies, you can still use SerializationSupport, within the standard readObject() deserialization method:

 private void readObject(ObjectInputStream inputStream) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
@Throws(ClassNotFoundException::class, IOException::class)
private fun readObject(inputStream: ObjectInputStream) {

This combines the calls above, and invokes defaultReadObject(), injectTransients() and checkForNullTransients() If you want to exclude any fields, just set serializationSupport.excludedFieldNames before invoking deserialize()

Usually this happens when an object is created by a factory which then supplies Guice-constructed dependencies and some stateful element to the constructor - this is typical of a situation which Guice AssistedInject is used.


Some tests failed when using Guice AssistedInject with Serialization - we avoid using it, and use manually coded factories instead where needed. To be fair though, we are not completely sure there is a real problem, see open issue

 public class MyObjectFactory{

     public MyObjectFactory (String statefulElement, MyNonSerializableDependency dependency){

     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream inputStream) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
         this.dependency = serializationSupport.getInjector().getInstance(MyNonSerializableDependency.class);
