User Notifications

Notifying users with messages seems a small topic, and typical UI code contains numerous calls to message boxes of one form or another. Consistency, however, can easily be lost, especially when there is a need for I18N as well. There are also times when you want the message to go to more than one place - for example both a splash message, and repeated in the message bar at the bottom of the screen as you have already seen.

Vaadin provides the Notification specifically for that purpose.

Krail provides a mechanism to support any method of presenting the message, but the message despatch is always from the UserNotifier

Sending the Message

  • Make the UserNotifier available to the NewsView by injecting it into the constructor
  • Add the sendNotificationBtn button
  • Set the button’s click listener to despatch the notification with a call to userNotifier.notifyError. There are warning and information calls available as well.
  • add the button to the VerticalLayout in the call to setCentreCell
package com.example.tutorial.pages;

import com.example.tutorial.i18n.LabelKey;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.Translate;
import uk.q3c.krail.core.navigate.Navigator;
import uk.q3c.krail.core.user.notify.UserNotifier;
import uk.q3c.krail.core.view.Grid3x3ViewBase;
import uk.q3c.krail.core.view.component.ViewChangeBusMessage;

public class NewsView extends Grid3x3ViewBase {

    private Navigator navigator;
    private UserNotifier userNotifier;

    protected NewsView(Translate translate,Navigator navigator, UserNotifier userNotifier) {
        this.navigator = navigator;
        this.userNotifier = userNotifier;

    protected void doBuild(ViewChangeBusMessage busMessage) {
        Button navigateToContactUsBtn = new Button("Contact Us");
        Button navigateToPrivatePage = new Button("Accounts");
        Button sendNotificationBtn = new Button("Send notification");
        navigateToContactUsBtn.addClickListener(c -> navigator.navigateTo("contact-us"));
        navigateToPrivatePage.addClickListener(c -> navigator.navigateTo("private/finance-department/accounts"));
        sendNotificationBtn.addClickListener((c -> userNotifier.notifyError(LabelKey.Do_Not_do_That)));
        setCentreCell(new VerticalLayout(navigateToContactUsBtn, navigateToPrivatePage, sendNotificationBtn));

Current methods of presentation

If you look at the constructor for TutorialUI you will see the MessageBar and VaadinNotification instances being injected. The MessageBar is the component presented at the bottom of the screen, and VaadinNotification is a wrapper for the Vaadin Notification class. Both just listen for notification messages via the Event Bus ` @Inject protected TutorialUI(Navigator navigator, ErrorHandler errorHandler, ConverterFactory converterFactory, ApplicationLogo logo, ApplicationHeader header, UserStatusPanel userStatusPanel, UserNavigationMenu menu, UserNavigationTree navTree, Breadcrumb breadcrumb, SubPagePanel subpage, MessageBar messageBar, Broadcaster broadcaster, PushMessageRouter pushMessageRouter, ApplicationTitle applicationTitle, Translate translate, CurrentLocale currentLocale, I18NProcessor translator, LocaleSelector localeSelector, VaadinNotification vaadinNotification, Option option) { ` - Run the application and go to the “News Page”, press the “Send Notification” button, and the message will appear as a Vaadin ‘Splash’ notification and in the message bar at the bottom of the screen.

Different methods of presentation

If you wanted to provide your own methods of presenting user notifications, it is very easy to do, while still keeping the consistency of a single despatch point for user notifications - just copy the structure of DefaultVaadinNotification and provide your own method of presenting the messages.


At first this seems an almost trivial topic, but we would strongly recommend using UserNotifier from the start. This will give you consistency, and enable a very quick and simple change of notification method(s) later.

Download from GitHub

To get to this point straight from GitHub:

git clone
cd krail-tutorial
git checkout --track origin/krail_0.10.0.0

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