Injector Scope

The scope of the Guice Injector can be significant. A @Singleton is described by Guice as “per application”, and is therefore per Injector.

In most situations the injector scope is per JVM ClassLoader - the same as a static variable.

Of course, different environments treat ClassLoaders in different ways.

The important part for Krail is the “per application” definition for Guice.

Accessing the Injector

It is normally considered bad practice to access the injector directly - the whole point of IoC is to hand over control. But as always there are special cases.

In Krail there are two scenarios where it is considered reasonable to access the injector directly:


SerializationSupport is used to re-inject Guice supplied transient dependencies, following deserialisation. Deserialisation occurs without any reference to Guice of course, so without this intervention, transient dependencies would be null.

View and UI Factory

The MasterSitemap is a central component of Krail, and it uses KrailView classes as part of the site definition. At the moment, the most practical way to deal with this is to instantiate these views with the injector, when they are needed.

When support for multiple views and UIs per route is implemented, dynamic construction based on potentially any selection criteria will be required. There may be a better way, but currently it is looking like this will continue to need access to the injector as well. ( See issues 664 and 665)