
The Guice documentation strongly recommends making Guice modules fast and side effect free. It also provides an example interface for starting and stopping services.

Krail extends that idea with a more comprehensive lifecycle for a Service, and also adds dependency management. For example, in order to start a Database Service, it may be necessary to load configuration values from a file or web service first.


The lifecycle is defined by Service.State and the standard cycle comprises states:


The transient states of STARTING and STOPPING are there because some services may take a while to fully start or stop.


package com.example.tutorial.service;

import com.example.tutorial.i18n.LabelKey; import; import uk.q3c.krail.eventbus.GlobalBusProvider; import uk.q3c.krail.service.AbstractService; import uk.q3c.krail.service.ServiceModel; import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.I18NKey; import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.Translate;

@Singleton public class ServiceA extends AbstractService {

protected ServiceA(Translate translate, ServicesModel serviceModel, GlobalBusProvider globalBusProvider) {
    super(translate, serviceModel, globalBusProvider);

protected void doStop() throws Exception {


protected void doStart() throws Exception {


public I18NKey getNameKey() {
    return LabelKey.ServiceA;


package com.example.tutorial.service;

import com.example.tutorial.i18n.LabelKey;
import uk.q3c.krail.eventbus.GlobalBusProvider;
import uk.q3c.krail.service.AbstractService;
import uk.q3c.krail.service.ServiceModel;
import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.I18NKey;
import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.Translate;

public class ServiceB extends AbstractService {

    protected ServiceB(Translate translate, ServicesModel serviceModel, GlobalBusProvider globalBusProvider) {
        super(translate, serviceModel, globalBusProvider);

    protected void doStop() throws Exception {


    protected void doStart() throws Exception {


    public I18NKey getNameKey() {
        return LabelKey.ServiceB;


package com.example.tutorial.service;

import com.example.tutorial.i18n.LabelKey;
import uk.q3c.krail.eventbus.GlobalBusProvider;
import uk.q3c.krail.service.AbstractService;
import uk.q3c.krail.service.ServiceModel;
import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.I18NKey;
import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.Translate;

public class ServiceC extends AbstractService {

    protected ServiceC(Translate translate, ServicesModel serviceModel, GlobalBusProvider globalBusProvider) {
        super(translate, serviceModel, globalBusProvider);

    protected void doStop() throws Exception {


    protected void doStart() throws Exception {


    public I18NKey getNameKey() {
        return LabelKey.ServiceC;


package com.example.tutorial.service;

import com.example.tutorial.i18n.LabelKey;
import uk.q3c.krail.eventbus.GlobalBusProvider;
import uk.q3c.krail.service.AbstractService;
import uk.q3c.krail.service.ServiceModel;
import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.I18NKey;
import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.Translate;

public class ServiceD extends AbstractService {

    protected ServiceD(Translate translate, ServicesModel serviceModel, GlobalBusProvider globalBusProvider) {
        super(translate, serviceModel, globalBusProvider);

    protected void doStop() throws Exception {


    protected void doStart() throws Exception {


    public I18NKey getNameKey() {
        return LabelKey.ServiceD;


Note that each has a different name key - this is also used by getServiceKey(), which is used to uniquely identify a Service class. This approach is used to overcome the changes in class name which occur when using enhancers such as Guice AOP. This means that each Service class must have a unique name key.

As Services often are, these are all Singletons, although they do not have to be.

== Registering Services

All Service classes must be registered. We can do that very simply by sub-classing `AbstractServiceModule` and using the methods it provides

* create a new class `TutorialServicesModule` in _com.example.tutorial.service_
* copy the code below
package com.example.tutorial.service;

import com.example.tutorial.i18n.LabelKey;
import uk.q3c.krail.service.AbstractServiceModule;
import uk.q3c.krail.service.Dependency;

public class TutorialServicesModule extends AbstractServiceModule {

    protected void registerServices() {
        registerService(LabelKey.ServiceA, ServiceA.class);
        registerService(LabelKey.ServiceB, ServiceB.class);
        registerService(LabelKey.ServiceC, ServiceC.class);
        registerService(LabelKey.ServiceD, ServiceD.class);

    protected void defineDependencies() {


* include the module in the `BindingManager`:
protected void addAppModules(List<Module> baseModules) {
    baseModules.add(new TutorialServicesModule());


== Monitor the Service status

Fur the purposes of the Tutorial, we will create a simple page to monitor the status of the Services.

* In `MyOtherPages` add the entry:
addEntry("services", ServicesView.class, LabelKey.Services, PageAccessControl.PUBLIC);

* create `ServicesView` in the _com.example.tutorial.pages_ package
package com.example.tutorial.pages;

import com.example.tutorial.i18n.Caption;
import com.example.tutorial.i18n.DescriptionKey;
import com.example.tutorial.i18n.LabelKey;
import com.example.tutorial.service.ServiceA;
import com.example.tutorial.service.ServiceB;
import com.example.tutorial.service.ServiceC;
import com.example.tutorial.service.ServiceD;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
import com.vaadin.ui.TextArea;
import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
import net.engio.mbassy.listener.Handler;
import net.engio.mbassy.listener.Listener;
import uk.q3c.krail.eventbus.GlobalBus;
import uk.q3c.krail.eventbus.SubscribeTo;
import uk.q3c.krail.service.ServiceBusMessage;
import uk.q3c.krail.core.view.Grid3x3ViewBase;
import uk.q3c.krail.core.view.component.ViewChangeBusMessage;
import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.Translate;

public class ServicesView extends Grid3x3ViewBase {

    private ServiceA serviceA;
    private ServiceB serviceB;
    private final ServiceC serviceC;
    private final ServiceD serviceD;

    @Caption(caption = LabelKey.Start_Service_A, description = DescriptionKey.Start_Service_A)
    private Button startABtn;
    @Caption(caption = LabelKey.Stop_Service_D, description = DescriptionKey.Stop_Service_D)
    private Button stopDBtn;
    @Caption(caption = LabelKey.Stop_Service_C, description = DescriptionKey.Stop_Service_C)
    private Button stopCBtn;
    @Caption(caption = LabelKey.Stop_Service_B, description = DescriptionKey.Stop_Service_B)
    private Button stopBBtn;
    private Translate translate;
    @Caption(caption = LabelKey.State_Changes,description = DescriptionKey.State_Changes)
    private TextArea stateChangeLog;
    @Caption(caption = LabelKey.Clear,description = DescriptionKey.Clear)
    private Button clearBtn;

    protected ServicesView(Translate translate,ServiceA serviceA, ServiceB serviceB, ServiceC serviceC, ServiceD serviceD) {
        this.translate = translate;
        this.serviceA = serviceA;
        this.serviceB = serviceB;
        this.serviceC = serviceC;
        this.serviceD = serviceD;

    protected void doBuild(ViewChangeBusMessage busMessage) {


    private void createStateMonitor() {
        stateChangeLog = new TextArea();
        clearBtn = new Button();

    protected void handleStateChange(ServiceBusMessage serviceBusMessage) {
        String serviceName = translate.from(serviceBusMessage.getService()
        String logEntry = serviceName + " changed from " + serviceBusMessage.getFromState()
                                                                            .name() + " to " + serviceBusMessage.getToState().name()+", cause: " +
        String newline = stateChangeLog.getValue().isEmpty() ? "" : "\n";

    private void createButtons() {
        startABtn = new Button();
        startABtn.addClickListener(click -> serviceA.start());

        stopDBtn = new Button();
        stopDBtn.addClickListener(click -> serviceD.stop());

        stopCBtn = new Button();
        stopCBtn.addClickListener(click -> serviceC.stop());

        stopBBtn = new Button();
        stopBBtn.addClickListener(click -> serviceB.stop());

        Panel panel = new Panel();
        VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(startABtn, stopDBtn, stopCBtn, stopBBtn);

* create the enum constants

Here we set up some buttons to start and stop services in `createButtons()`<br>
We use the[Event Bus] to create a simple monitor for state changes in `createStateMonitor()`

* run the application and try pressing 'Start Service A' - a message will appear in the state changes log

== Defining Dependencies

So far, all the Services operate independently - there are no dependencies specified. Let us assume we want service A to depend on the other 3 services, each with a different one of the 3 dependency types. We will also mix up using Guice and *Dependency* annotations, though you would probably use only one method to avoid confusion.

=== Dependencies with Guice

* add the following to the `defineDependencies()` method in the `TutorialServicesModule`:
addDependency(LabelKey.ServiceA,LabelKey.ServiceB, Dependency.Type.ALWAYS_REQUIRED);
addDependency(LabelKey.ServiceA,LabelKey.ServiceC, Dependency.Type.REQUIRED_ONLY_AT_START);

=== Dependencies by Annotation

In `ServiceA` we inject `ServiceD` and store in a field in order to annotate it as a dependency (which you would need anyway if you wish to access `ServiceD`).

* Modify ServiceA

    @Dependency(required = false)
    private ServiceD serviceD;

    protected ServiceA(Translate translate, ServicesModel serviceModel, GlobalBusProvider globalBusProvider, ServiceD serviceD) {
        super(translate, serviceModel, globalBusProvider);
        this.serviceD = serviceD;


This marks the dependency, ServiceD, as optional

== Testing Dependencies

* run the application
* navigate to the 'Services' page
* press 'Start Service A'
* Note that all 4 services show in the state changes log as 'STARTED' - `ServiceA` has automatically called all its dependencies to start. The order they start in is arbitrary, as they are started in parallel threads, but `ServiceA` will not start until all its required dependencies have started.
* press 'Clear'
* press 'Start Service A' again - nothing happens. Attempts to start/stop a service which is already started/stopped are ignored.
* press 'Stop ServiceD' - only `ServiceD` stops
* press 'Stop ServiceC' - only `ServiceC` stops
* press 'Stop ServiceB' - `ServiceB` and `ServiceA` stop. `ServiceA` has cause of DEPENDENCY_STOPPED

When `ServiceD` and `ServiceC` are stopped they do not affect `ServiceA`, as they are declared as "optional" and "required only at start".
When `ServiceB` is stopped, however, `ServiceA` also stops because that dependency was declared as "always required"

= Summary

* We have created services by sub-classing `AbstractService`
* We have defined dependencies between services using Guice
* We have defined dependencies between services using the *@Dependency* annotation
* We have demonstrated the interaction between services, when starting and stopping services with different dependency types

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