Create a project Using Eclipse


Thanks to Dirk Lietz for contributing this chapter. If you have any questions regarding this chapter please refer them to the contributor


A short how-to set up krail as a library in a new Vaadin-Project in Eclipse

Install Vaadin-Plugin

Install the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse

Create a new Vaadin Project

File -> New -> Other … Vaadin -> Vaadin 7 Project

Give it a Name and select the Target-Runtime (Apache Tomcat v8) and Java 1.8 Select the Deployment configuration : Servlet (default)

Hit Button Finish (or Next to configure some more Details like Pakage Names)

A new Vaadin-Project will now be created with ivy-dependency Management set up

Apply Krail-Dependency

Open ivysettings.xml and add the jcenter repository in the <resolvers> section: `xml <!– jcenter –> <ibiblio name=”jcenter” root=”; m2compatible=”true”/> `

Open ivy.xml and add the krail-library in the <dependencies> section `xml <!– The core of krail –> <dependency org=”uk.q3c.krail” name=”krail” rev=”0.9.3” /> `

The whole ivy.xml file could look like (with krail-kpa add on set up):

&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
&lt;!DOCTYPE ivy-module [
 &lt;!ENTITY vaadin.version "7.4.6"&gt;
 &lt;!ENTITY krail.version "0.9.3"&gt;
 &lt;!ENTITY krail-jpa.version "0.8.8"&gt;
&lt;ivy-module version="2.0"
 <info organisation="com.example" module="tutorial" />
 <!-- The default configuration, which should be deployed to the server -->
 <conf name="default" />
 <!-- A configuration only needed when compiling the widget set. Should
            not be deployed to the server -->
 <conf name="widgetset-compile" />
 <!-- A configuration used in compilation of server side classes only.
            Should be deployed to the server -->
 <conf name="nodeploy" />
 <dependencies defaultconf="default" defaultconfmapping="default->default">
 <!-- The core of krail -->
 <dependency org="uk.q3c.krail" name="krail" rev="&krail.version;" />

    <!-- Add-On krail-jpa -->
    <dependency org="uk.q3c.krail" name="krail-jpa" rev="&krail-jpa.version;" />

    <!-- The core server part of Vaadin -->
    <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-server" rev="&vaadin.version;" />

    <!-- Vaadin themes -->
    <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-themes" rev="&vaadin.version;" />

    <!-- Push support -->
    <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-push" rev="&vaadin.version;" />

    <!-- Servlet 3.0 API -->
    <dependency org="javax.servlet" name="javax.servlet-api" rev="3.0.1" conf="nodeploy->default" />

    <!-- Precompiled DefaultWidgetSet -->
    <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-client-compiled"
       rev="&vaadin.version;" />

    <!-- Vaadin client side, needed for widget set compilation -->
    <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-client" rev="&vaadin.version;"
        conf="widgetset-compile->default" />

    <!-- Compiler for custom widget sets. Should not be deployed -->
    <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-client-compiler"
       rev="&vaadin.version;" conf="widgetset-compile->default" />
